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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2015H συνεχιζόμενη ιατρική εκπαίδευση ως θεσμός προστασίας της δημόσιας υγείας: ανάδειξη αναγκών και πρόταση σχεδίου μεθόδων σε σχέση με συστήματα ΣΙΕ σε άλλες χώρες της ΕυρώπηςΠολίτη, Ελένη Δ.
2020The implementation of Deming’s theory of quality management in greek public administrationΣιούτου, Αναστασία Β.
2009Integration and visualization of proteomics dataΓιαννοπούλου, Ευγενία
2022International relations and foreign policy in the Middle East: PLO, Hizbullah, and KRG as statelike actorsΆκρα, Ζακία Α.
2014Leadership and teamwork competencies development through an outdoor experiential training programΚουρτεσοπούλου, Άννα Ι.
2017A MATLAB to C vectoring compiler exploiting custom instructions of targeted processorsΛατίφης, Ιωάννης Α.
2023Model-driven software architectural design based on software evolution modeling and simulation and design pattern analysis for design space exploration towards maintainabilityΚαρανικόλας, Χρήστος Α.
2024Novel applications of distributed ledger technologies in digital forensics and internet of things securityΜπρότσης, Σωτήριος Μ. 
2018The OECD as an arbiter of regulation in early childhood education and care policies: recontextualizations of quality assessment technologies in Greece in times of austerityΚαλογεράκης, Παναγιώτης Ν.
2015Optical waveguide design using inverse transmission line techniquesΘρασκιάς, Χρήστος Α.
2023The origins and limits of limits on constitutional changeΚατερίνης, Ευάγγελος Π. 
2023Political and economic transitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: the cases of Ethiopia and Angola 1989-2019Βλάμης, Χρύσανθος Κ.
2023The political influence of diasporas: Indians, Cubans and Jews in the United StatesΒλάχου, Νίκη Α.
2023Proxy wars in the Middle East in the 21st century: the role of regional state actors and global powers: the antagonism between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the proxy wars in Syria and Yemen and the interests of global powers – U.S. and Russia – in the regional sub-system of the Middle EastΝικοπούλου, Αλεξάνδρα Δ. 
2009Quality evaluation of teaching and learning in higher education in NigeriaAndrew, Nifarta Peingurta A.
2012Quantification of competitive balance in professional team sports: implementation and empirical investigation in european footballΜανασής, Βασίλειος Σ.
2013Rare earths: China vs the world: a case study in the geopolitics of natural resources in the 21st centuryΚαλαντζάκου, Σοφία Μαρία Αθηνά Α.
2012Recommender systems over distributed architecturesΓιαννικόπουλος, Παναγιώτης Δ.
2014Reconsidering aid effectiveness: an assessment of NGO peacebuilding projectsΒάθης, Ορέστης Α.
2022Scalable data-driven enrichment analysis of short RNAsΖαγγανάς, Κωνσταντίνος Ν.