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Σήμερα, μια από τις μεγαλύτερες προκλήσεις για την επίτευξη σημασιολογικής διαλειτουργικότηταςσε επίπεδο δεδομένων εντοπίζεται στην έλλειψη κοινής κατανόησης που δημιουργείται λόγω τηςαπόδοσης διαφορετικής ερμηνείας και της χρήσης διαφορετικής σύνταξης, διαφορετικών προτύπωνκαι διαφορετικών προσεγγίσεων μοντελοποίησης σε κάθε οργανισμό.Αντικείμενο της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής είναι η ανάπτυξη μιας ολοκληρωμένηςμεθοδολογίας για τη διαχείριση του κύκλου ζωής Σημασιολογικά Εμπλουτισμένων, ΔιασυνδεδεμένωνΠρότυπων Δομών Πληροφορίας (ΠΔΠ) με τη βοήθεια επιχειρηματικών κανόνων. Η καινοτομικήσυμβολή της διατριβής εντοπίζεται στους εξής άξονες: Α. Ενιαία και ολοκληρωμένη αντιμετώπιση τωνδιαφόρων καταστάσεων στις οποίες μπορεί να περιέλθει μια Πρότυπη Δομή Δεδομένων κατά τονκύκλο ζωής της, Β. Ευέλικτος σημασιολογικός εμπλουτισμός των Πρότυπων Δομών Πληροφορίας, Γ.Ενσωμάτωση της λογικής των διασυνδεμένων δεδομένων (linked data) στις Πρότυπες ΔομέςΠληροφορίας, Δ. Αξιοποίηση της λογικής των ...
Περίληψη σε άλλη γλώσσα
The lack of a unique, common understanding at data level that emerges due to differentinterpretations, different syntax, different standards and different modelling approaches, adoptedaccording to the specific needs of each and every organization, can be listed among the criticalremaining challenges that hinder seamless semantic interoperability.The objective of the present PhD dissertation is to propose an integrated methodology for managingthe life-cycle of Semantically-enriched, Linked Standardized Information Components (SELSICs) withthe help of business rules. The innovative contribution of this thesis can be identified along thefollowing axes: A. Integrated and unique confrontation of the various situations which a SELSIC maybe face during its life-cycle; B. Flexible semantic enrichment of the concepts expressed in SELSICs;C. Application of the logic that accompanies the “Linked Data” initiatives to the SELSICs; D.Exploitation of concise business rules for managing SELSICs; E. St ...
The lack of a unique, common understanding at data level that emerges due to differentinterpretations, different syntax, different standards and different modelling approaches, adoptedaccording to the specific needs of each and every organization, can be listed among the criticalremaining challenges that hinder seamless semantic interoperability.The objective of the present PhD dissertation is to propose an integrated methodology for managingthe life-cycle of Semantically-enriched, Linked Standardized Information Components (SELSICs) withthe help of business rules. The innovative contribution of this thesis can be identified along thefollowing axes: A. Integrated and unique confrontation of the various situations which a SELSIC maybe face during its life-cycle; B. Flexible semantic enrichment of the concepts expressed in SELSICs;C. Application of the logic that accompanies the “Linked Data” initiatives to the SELSICs; D.Exploitation of concise business rules for managing SELSICs; E. Study of the quality repercussions onSELSICs; F. Provision for the theoretical documentation of SELSICs and the business rules on thebasis of well-established theories; G. Creation of reusable knowledge and of a sustainable solution ina long term horizon for organizations at national and international (pan-European) level.To this end, the concept of the Semantically-enriched, Linked Standardized Information Component(SELSIC) has been adopted at multiple abstraction levels to signify the reusable schemas and themodels with which the actual data, which are electronically exchanged during the services’ provision,comply.The proposed methodology for managing the SELSICs’ life-cycle foresees that a SELSIC is created,stored, standardized, reused to create more complex structures or to get adapted to a specificcontext, harmonized with the components designed for the needs of specific countries (specificcountrymodels) to produce generic models, transformed to a specific syntax and disposed, in a waythat ensures that the needs and requirements of its stakeholders are addressed, through the QualityManagement Framework it has adopted. In order to achieve decoupling among the SELSICs and thebusiness logic laying behind each stage in their life-cycle, a set of reusable rules that control theirmanagement in a declarative way has been described. The theoretical foundations of the SELSICsbased on the principles of the Graph Theory, as well as the formal definition of the business rules onthe basis of the Predicate Logic, also add to the validity and the homogenized application of theproposed methodology. In implementation terms, the requirements and the architectural design ofan advanced system for managing SELSICs is outlined, the potential for its development on top ofexisting innovative tools (that have been selected due to their alignment to the philosophy of thisthesis) is confirmed and the consistency with the Model-driven Architecture (MDA) is underlined.From a more practical perspective, a critical goal of this dissertation has been to contribute to theresolution of semantic interoperability issues in Electronic Government at national and pan-Europeanlevel. In this direction, a set of reusable libraries has been created in order to prove the applicabilityof the proposed methodology and adapt a part of the available XML Schemas (from the GreekInteroperability Framework and the FP6 research project GENESIS, with regard to B2G transactions)to the philosophy and the directions of this thesis.