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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
1974Die agrarpolitik der EWGΜαντούβαλος, Αντώνιος 
2002An analysis of the labour party’s discourse on Europe, 1961-2000: a matter of national identityΚαρβούνης, Αντώνιος Μ.
2013Anglo-american policy in Greece (1946-50): a study on the politics of fear, manipulation and the origins of the cold warParavantes, Spero Simeon Zachary K.
2024An arena of angry minds?: uncovering hidden connections: conspiracy theories, populism and democratic supportΠαπαϊωάννου, Κωνσταντίνος-Ιάσων Χ.
2015Aristotle's theory of democracyΜουρτζίλας, Δημήτριος Κ.
1989Les aspects politiques de l'évolution de la nouvelle vie parlementaire au sein du Parlement européen depuis sa première élection au suffrage universel direct en Juin 1979: le bilan des deux premières législaturesAntonakis, Constantin M. 
2025Between hatred of the institutional and appeal to the everyday: social representations of politics and patterns of political participation in early 21st century GreeceΖηργάνου-Καζολέα, Ευαγγελία Ν. 
1978British foreign policy towards Greece during the second world war 1940-1945Παπαστράτης, Προκόπιος
2018Can the underdogs speak: contemporary Greece’s ‘subaltern’ political theories through the lens of critical geopolitics and post - secularismΜητραλέξης-Γεωργακάκος, Σωτήριος Γ.
2019Collective identification among the internally displaced persons in the Bosnian town of Bijeljina: the impact of war on people’s sense of membership and belongingΜαξίμοβιτς, Μάγια Τ.
1998The common foreign and security policy and weak states: the case of GreeceΚουβελιώτης, Κυριάκος Π.
1994La communaute grecque de Constantinople: essai politique sur le droit des minoritésΛαμπροπούλου, Ρέα Δ. 
1998Le conflit de la modernité: formes et limites de la critique post-moderne de la raisonΔημητρίου, Στέφανος Β. 
2011Creating a sustainable Europe: the role of the European Union structural fundsΧριστοπούλου, Ιόλη Κ.
2017The cretan conflict 1866-1869: competing and complementary ideologies through the prism of the greek and ottoman pressΚούβαρος, Μιχαήλ Δ.
1989Decentralization in post- dictatorial GreeceΚάλερ-Χριστοφιλοπούλου, Παρασκευή Γ. 
2023The digital transformation in the public sector: the case of greek local governmentΠατεργιαννάκη, Ζωή Ν.
2015Discourse on war in the information age: corpus assisted discourse analysis of the British defence and security policies from 1957 to 2011Τσιριγώτης, Άνθιμος-Αλέξανδρος Π.
2010Discursive institutionalism and pension reform discursive institutionalism and pension reform in Greece 1990-2002: appraising europeanization from the ‘Bottom-up'Ξιαρχογιαννοπούλου, Ελένη Ι.
2015Economic interdependence and national securityΠιστικού, Βικτωρία Μ.