Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
1974 | Die agrarpolitik der EWG | Μαντούβαλος, Αντώνιος | |
2002 | An analysis of the labour party’s discourse on Europe, 1961-2000: a matter of national identity | Καρβούνης, Αντώνιος Μ. | |
2013 | Anglo-american policy in Greece (1946-50): a study on the politics of fear, manipulation and the origins of the cold war | Paravantes, Spero Simeon Zachary K. | |
2024 | An arena of angry minds?: uncovering hidden connections: conspiracy theories, populism and democratic support | Παπαϊωάννου, Κωνσταντίνος-Ιάσων Χ. | |
2015 | Aristotle's theory of democracy | Μουρτζίλας, Δημήτριος Κ. | |
1989 | Les aspects politiques de l'évolution de la nouvelle vie parlementaire au sein du Parlement européen depuis sa première élection au suffrage universel direct en Juin 1979: le bilan des deux premières législatures | Antonakis, Constantin M. | |
1978 | British foreign policy towards Greece during the second world war 1940-1945 | Παπαστράτης, Προκόπιος | |
2018 | Can the underdogs speak: contemporary Greece’s ‘subaltern’ political theories through the lens of critical geopolitics and post - secularism | Μητραλέξης-Γεωργακάκος, Σωτήριος Γ. | |
2019 | Collective identification among the internally displaced persons in the Bosnian town of Bijeljina: the impact of war on people’s sense of membership and belonging | Μαξίμοβιτς, Μάγια Τ. | |
1998 | The common foreign and security policy and weak states: the case of Greece | Κουβελιώτης, Κυριάκος Π. | |
1994 | La communaute grecque de Constantinople: essai politique sur le droit des minorités | Λαμπροπούλου, Ρέα Δ. | |
2011 | Creating a sustainable Europe: the role of the European Union structural funds | Χριστοπούλου, Ιόλη Κ. | |
2017 | The cretan conflict 1866-1869: competing and complementary ideologies through the prism of the greek and ottoman press | Κούβαρος, Μιχαήλ Δ. | |
1989 | Decentralization in post- dictatorial Greece | Κάλερ-Χριστοφιλοπούλου, Παρασκευή Γ. | |
2023 | The digital transformation in the public sector: the case of greek local government | Πατεργιαννάκη, Ζωή Ν. | |
2015 | Discourse on war in the information age: corpus assisted discourse analysis of the British defence and security policies from 1957 to 2011 | Τσιριγώτης, Άνθιμος-Αλέξανδρος Π. | |
2010 | Discursive institutionalism and pension reform discursive institutionalism and pension reform in Greece 1990-2002: appraising europeanization from the ‘Bottom-up' | Ξιαρχογιαννοπούλου, Ελένη Ι. | |
2015 | Economic interdependence and national security | Πιστικού, Βικτωρία Μ. | |
1993 | EC-US relations in an era of interdependence: US impact on EC policy-making in the framework of the completion of the single european market | Υφαντής, Κωνσταντίνος Η. | |
2020 | The effect of EU integration on the EU democratic deficit: the case of the Eurozone crisis measures | Κυριακίδης, Αλέξανδρος-Αβραάμ Σ. | |