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Σε σειρά:
ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2021Detection of psychomotor impairment from typing patterns on touchscreens using advanced machine learning techniquesΙακωβάκης, Δημήτριος Ε.
2015Development of a biomedical image analysis framework, based on web servicesΓούδας, Θεοδόσιος Ε.
2022Development of a medical decision support system using advanced machine learning and data mining techniques in Nuclear MedicineΑποστολόπουλος, Ιωάννης Δ.
2024Development of analytical frameworks for the integration of molecular data views to understand the biology of myeloid malignanciesΑσιμομήτης, Γεώργιος Α.
2022Development of an integrated biosensor system for Toxicology and Pharmacology applicationsΠαϊβανά, Γεωργία Α.
2023Development of a prototype CMOS digital imaging system for X-ray medical applicationsΛιναρδάτος, Διονύσιος Γ.
2023Development of computational methods for the prediction of crosslinking kinetics and molecular - viscoelastic properties of hydrogels for biomedical applicationsΚαραγεώργος, Φίλιππος Φ.
2023Development of interpretable machine learning models to support diabetes managementΑθανασίου, Μαρία Θ.
2022Development of methodology for the study of synovial fluid and its application in regenerative medicine in osteoarthritisΡίζος, Ελευθέριος Δ. 
2017Development of novel light propagation algorithms in turbid media with varying optical heterogeneityAncora, Daniele R.
2018Development of physiological metabolic models in diabetes based on data mining techniquesΓεώργα, Ελένη Ι.
2023Dose analysis of CT and SPECT medical imaging systems using Monte Carlo techniquesΧατζησάββας, Νικόλαος Ν.
2021The effect of experimental and modeling parameters on combined EEG/MEG source analysis and transcranial electric stimulation optimization of somatosensory and epilepsy activityΑντωνακάκης, Μάριος Δ.
2023The effect of pulmonary surfactant on alveolar dynamicsΜπουχώρης, Κωνσταντίνος Β.
2009Electrophysiologιcal study of brain hypoxiaΤσαρούχας, Νικόλαος Κ.
2023Enhancing medical imaging classification schemes with explainability propertiesΚαλλιπολίτης, Αθανάσιος Δ.
2003Evaluation methods of mammographic imaging: digital simulation of lesionsΣκιαδόπουλος, Σπυρίδων Γ.
2011Evaluation of digital X-ray detectors for medical imaging applicationsΚωνσταντινίδης, Αναστάσιος Χ.
2017Experimental and computational investigation on the mechanical characteristics of a self-setting calcium phosphate bone cement intended for biomedical applicationsΜπίμης, Αλέξιος Ι.