Πλοήγηση στο ΕΑΔΔ ανά "Χώρα" : Ισπανία
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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2024Lifelong learning and education of adult migrants and refugees: the role of emotional intelligence on the development of skillsΤσέλα, Δήμητρα Μ.
2024La contribución del asesoramiento pedagógico en la enseñanza secundaria de idiomas de adolescentes con trastornos del espectro autista y sus familiasΚώτση, Δέσποινα Χ.
2024Psychological factors in human resources management and training to improve the efficiency of public administration in GreeceΑγγελή, Παρασκευή Κ.
2024Analysis of teacher training in Greece for the inclusion of students with learning difficulties in the ordinary classroomΚυριακόπουλος, Δημήτριος Π. 
2024Special education and integration of second-generation immigrants in Greek primary schoolΛιάγκουρα, Αικατερίνη Θ. 
2024Management and lifelong training of human resources in education services and educational organizations: evaluation methods and toolsΜπούχτσης, Μαρίνος Γ.
2023Lifelong training of civil servants on information systems in the field of healthΛάλος, Χρήστος Β.
2023Intercultural transmission perspective in human, social and cultural capital reinforcement through the analysis of lifelong education in health services: field of research: the human resources of the General Hospital of Patras Agios AndreasΓιατρά, Διαμαντίνα Ι.
2023Intercultural transmission perspective in using school leadership of social justice to include refugee and migrant children into Greek public primary education: perceptions of school principalsΡέντζη, Αργυρώ Δ.
2023Assessing the relevance of different sources of variability on the survival of foodborne pathogens: stress adaptation against genetic heterogeneitiesΓεωργαλής, Λεωνίδας Κ.
2023The attitudes of greek special and general education teachers toward inclusion and their self-efficacy in the implementation of inclusive education in secondary education: the effect on the collaboration with parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilitiesΚαζανόπουλος, Σπυρίδων Α. 
2023Τhe inclusion of children with functional neurodevelopmental disorders (high functioning autism) in the greek formal education before and during the covid-19 pandemic: teachers’ perceptions and attitudes on the inclusion of children with functional autism, the bidirectional influences in the classroom and the inclusion processesΦοδελιανάκης, Αντώνιος Κ. 
2023Expletiveness across functional categories: evidence from GreekΤσιακμάκης, Ευριπίδης Ά.
2023Communities, organizations and collective entrepreneurship: an institutional perspectiveΓεωργίου, Ανδρέας Α. 
2022Three essays on the geography of innovation: the role of transportation networks and institutionsΤσιαχτσίρας, Γεώργιος Κ.
2022La formación inicial docente en igualdad de género en Grecia: percepciones y competencias del alumnado para una práctica profesional sostenible sensible al géneroΚίττα, Ιωάννα Γ.
2022Developing social-emotional, new media literacy and computational thinking skills through unplugged approach and imagination-based pedagogies in primary education studentsΤσορτανίδου, Ξανθίππη Σ.
2022Study on the perceptions of Greek students, of the secondary education, on the course of mathematics, referring to some aspects of their competence of learning to learn, from the perspective of school psychology in educationΤσαμπούρης, Γεώργιος Α. 
2021Implementation of CAD-based and 3D non-linear finite element methodologies on modelling of machining processesΤζώτζης, Αναστάσιος Ι.
2020Exploring current practices and Greek and Spanish academic library stakeholder perceptions towards reconceptualizing in-library use data collection ecosystemΣάντ-Γερονικολού, Σταυρούλα Γ.