Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
2007 | Agents of evil: curse accusations and Shamanic retaliation in Post-Soviet Tuva (Siberia) | Ζορμπάς, Κωνσταντίνος Α. |  |
2020 | Authoritative models and grassroots responses to crisis: reconfigurations of everyday life in Chalkida, a postindustrial Greek city | Αμαριανάκης, Σταμάτιος Σ. |  |
2012 | Christfried Jakob on the cerebral cortex: neurobiological, neurophilosophical and neuroeducational concepts | Θεοδωρίδου, Ζωή Δ. |  |
2019 | Cinéma, société et politique: la politisation de la fiction dans les films Z, L’Aveu, État de siège de Costa-Gavras | Σπυροπούλου, Αδαμαντία Ι. |  |
2023 | Communities, organizations and collective entrepreneurship: an institutional perspective | Γεωργίου, Ανδρέας Α. | |
1967 | Community development as an element in area and regional socio-economic growth and development: with special reference to the Community Development Program of Thessaloniki, Greece) | Τρίμης, Αντώνιος Ε. |  |
2024 | Comparative evaluation of social entrepreneurship as an emergent pattern of local development iin five Euro-Mediterannean countries and its impact in promoting employment and social inclusion for vulnerable social groups | Ουδενιώτης, Νεκτάριος Ε. |  |
2011 | The construction of age identities in everyday talk: the case of the elderly | Πούλιος, Απόστολος Κ. |  |
2017 | The construction of the greek crisis in the public sphere: discourses and emotions (pathos) under critical perceptions | Σεραφής, Δημήτριος Σ. |  |
2005 | Des quartiers à la mode: enquête sociologique sur les mutations des marchés du divertissement et de l'art à Athènes (années 1990) | Σουλιώτης, Νικόλαος Α. |  |
2005 | Deviant behavior Of Greek football spectators | Λάππας, Κλεομένης Κ. |  |
2023 | Dialogues among commons and resilience: analysing community participation and its results in diverse global cities | Τουρσόγλου-Παπαλεξανδρίδου, Δανάη Ι. |  |
2011 | La diaspora hellenique en en Afrique noire: esprit d' entreprise, culture et developpement des Grecs au Cameroun | Μεταξίδης, Νικόλαος Α. |  |
2018 | Enacting memoryscapes: urban assemblages and embodied memory in post-socialist tashkent | Όλμα, Νικόλαος Τ. |  |
2000 | Endangered angel: ideals of women's behavior in the nineteenth century greek domestic periodical Philokalos Penelope | Χιώτη-Λέσκοβιτς, Ειρήνη |  |
1995 | Entstehungsbedingungen der neuen frauenbewegung in der Bundesrepublik ung Griechenland | Αποστολίδου, Αναστασία | |
2001 | The environmental movement in Greece, 1973 to the present: an illusory social movement in a semi-peripheral country | Μποτετζάγιας, Ιωσήφ Α. |  |
2014 | Ethical consumption: identities, practices and potential to bring about social change | Κομνηνού, Μαργαρίτα Α. |  |
2012 | Explaining the asynchronies in the introduction of prison privatisation in England and Wales: a structural marxist approach | Παπαγεωργίου, Ιωάννης Β. |  |
2018 | Les fêtes nouvelles: enquête sur les idéaux de la société ouverte et leur mise en scène: Paris 1981-2014 | Καρακωστάκη, Χαριτίνη Ν. | |