Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
2013 | Accounting for nonstationarity in the condition monitoring of wind turbine gearboxes | Αντωνιάδου, Ιφιγένεια Β. |  |
2017 | Active control of wind turbines through varying blade tip sweep | Μπουλαμάτσης, Αχιλλεύς Μ. |  |
2024 | Additive manufacturing of hierarchical porous materials for advanced applications | Κολτσακίδης, Σάββας Η. | |
2012 | Advanced and complete functional series time-dependent ARMA (FS-TARMA) methods for the identification and fault diagnosis of non-stationary stochastic structural systems | Σπυριδωνάκος, Μηνάς Δ. |  |
2019 | Advanced deterministic and stochastic kinetic modeling of gaseous microscale transport phenomena | Τάτσιος, Γεώργιος Α. |  |
2012 | Advanced functional and sequential statistical time series methods for damage diagnosis in mechanical structures | Κοψαυτόπουλος, Φώτης Π. |  |
2015 | Advanced sampling and detecion methods for exhaust particle emissions measurements | Αμανατίδης, Σταύρος Ι. |  |
2015 | Advanced sampling and detection methods for exhaust particle emissions measurements | Αμανατίδης, Σταύρος Ι. | |
2018 | Aerodynamic efficiency and performance enhancement of fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles using novel configurations and techniques | Παναγιώτου, Περικλής Α. |  |
2024 | Analysis and design of composite material driveshafts for marine applications | Μπιλάλης, Ηλίας Π. |  |
2016 | Analysis and evaluation of pricing mechanisms in markets with non-convexities with reference to electricity markets | Ανδριανέσης, Παναγιώτης Ε. |  |
2023 | Analysis of a hybrid renewable energy system in the optimal management of water resources in arid islands | Μπέρτσιου, Μαρία-Μαργαρίτα Π. |  |
2020 | Analysis, optimization and testing of morphing structures employing shape memory alloy actuators | Μαχαίρας, Θεόδωρος Τ. |  |
2016 | Application of control methods to fluid mechanics problems: flow past a cylinder | Μαστρόκαλος, Μάριος Ε. |  |
2019 | Applications of oscillators in energy conversion | Παραδεισιώτης, Ανδρέας Μ. |  |
2004 | Aspects of lubrication in piston cylinder assemblies | Δελλής, Πολυχρόνιος Σ. |  |
2010 | Assembly line balancing: assessment tools and indices | Γενηκομσάκης, Κωνσταντίνος Ν. |  |
2018 | Assessment of technologies to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of modern passenger cars in real - world driving conditions | Τριανταφυλλόπουλος, Γεώργιος Κ. |  |
2011 | An automated multi criteria assembly line design generation method for decision making support: an automotive case study | Μίχαλος, Γεώργιος Α. |  |
2017 | Automatic assembly-model synthesis in mechanical design using simulated dynamic finite-element experiments | Χατζηπαρασίδης, Ηρακλής Α. |  |