Πλοήγηση στο ΕΑΔΔ ανά "Επιστημονικό πεδίο" : Ψυχολογία και Γνωσιακή Επιστήμη
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ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2014The acquisition of aspect and motion verbs in the native languageΚοτρώνη, Μαρία Ι.
2018Aggressive behavior and Self-Esteem of students from 8 to 15 years of ageΚασιώρα, Βασιλική Α.
2017Assessing the interplay between language and category learning: the effects of verbal labels for categorization items and for the formed categoriesΦωτιάδης, Φώτιος Α.
2021The assessment of language functions in awake craniotomiesΠαπατζάλας, Χρήστος Γ.
2023Assessment of the level of metacognitive processes in mild cognitive impairment and intervention for their enhancement via a randomized controlled trialΜπάμπα, Γρηγορία Κ.
2020The association of health literacy and e-health literacy with caring concepts among carers of people with dementiaΕυθυμίου, Αρετή-Χριστίνα Λ.
2023The attitudes of greek special and general education teachers toward inclusion and their self-efficacy in the implementation of inclusive education in secondary education: the effect on the collaboration with parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilitiesΚαζανόπουλος, Σπυρίδων Α. 
2000The behavioural validation of driving simulators as research tools: a case study based on the Leeds Driving SimulatorΜπλάνα, Ευμορφία Χ.
2024Caring for older persons: phenomenological insights into the lived experiences of nurses and nursing students in Greece and SwedenΞιάρχη, Λαμπρινή-Μαρία Ν. 
2021Characteristics of self-assessment in children prone to aggression in schoolΔούβλος, Χρίστος Α.
2023Cognitive control, theory of mind and memory: predictive ability in older adults with mild cognitive impairment and risk factors of vascular disease developmentΤσεντίδου, Γλυκερία Β.
2010Collective protest: emotions, norms, and system justificationΧαϊκάλης-Πετρίτσης, Ευάγγελος Σ.
2023The compensatory role of environmental enrichment against the detrimental effects of chronic stress in adulthood: behavioral, neurochemical and neuroendocrinological findingsΔάνδη, Ευγενία Δ.
2021Computational thinking as a cognitive construct: cognitive correlates, assessment & curriculum designΤσαράβα, Αικατερίνη Α.
2016Consent as a rational choice: philosophical, institutional and empirical approachesΦωκά-Καβαλιεράκη, Παναγούλα Γ. 
2011The construction of age identities in everyday talk: the case of the elderlyΠούλιος, Απόστολος Κ.
2023Constructions of sexual and gender identities in institutional and everyday discourse: political dimensions, institutional claims and rightsΜίχος, Ιωάννης Α. 
2023The content of athletes’ self-talkΚαραμήτρου, Αριστέα Γ.
2016Conversational Implicature: re-assessing the Gricean frameworkΚασμιρλή, Μαρία Χ.
2008Counselling psychologists’ perspective on masochistic personalityΚόλλια, Ευτυχία Ι.