Πλοήγηση στο ΕΑΔΔ ανά "Επιστημονικό πεδίο" : Επιστήμη Χημικού Μηχανικού
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Σε σειρά:
ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2021Development of catalysis and processes for electrochemical energy technologiesShroti, Nivedita M.
2023Development of computational methods for the prediction of crosslinking kinetics and molecular - viscoelastic properties of hydrogels for biomedical applicationsΚαραγεώργος, Φίλιππος Φ.
2021Development of computational methods for the prediction of material propertiesΒάρσου, Δήμητρα-Δανάη Δ.
2020Development of electrocatalysts/electrodes for their application in H2O (or H2O + CO2) co-electrolysis processes in high temperature solid oxide electrolysis cellsΙωαννίδου, Ευαγγελία Θ.
2022Development of encapsulated healing agents for the production of self-healing cementsΠαπαϊωάννου, Σταματούλα Κ. 
2023Development of environmentally friendly polymerization processesΓκουντέλα, Χριστίνα Ι. 
2022Development of methodology for the study of synovial fluid and its application in regenerative medicine in osteoarthritisΡίζος, Ελευθέριος Δ. 
2014Development of one-dimensional titania nanomaterialsΒαενάς, Ναούμ Γ.
2017Development of responsive biomimetic polymer surfacesΦρυσάλη, Μέλανη Α.
2011Development of scale-bridging methodologies and algorithms founded on the outcome of detailed atomistic simulations for the reliable prediction of the viscoelastic properties of polymer meltsΣτεφάνου, Παύλος Σ.
2011Development of technology for improved nitride-based optoelectronic devicesΚαλαϊτζάκης, Φώτιος Γ.
2016Diffusion of aromatics in silicalite-1: predictions using hierarchical molecular simulations based on transition state theoryΚολοκάθης, Παναγιώτης Δ.
2019Diffusion studies of fluids in mesoporous and nanoporous materials using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methodsΓκούρα, Λυδία Κ.
2020Dynamic analysis of elastic instabilities in flows of complex fluidsΒαρχάνης, Στυλιανός Ε.
2018Electrical and optical characterization of RF capacitively coupled plasmasΤσιγάρας, Ιωάννης Β.
2015Electrocatalytic investigation of high temperature PEM fuel cellsΟρφανίδη, Αλίν Δ. 
2022Enabling efficient analysis of CVD processes by combining CFD and data-driven reduced-order modelingΓκίνης, Παύλος Α.
2018Environmental amelioration through enhanced heat transfer with nanofluidsΤερτσινίδου, Γεωργία Ι.
1983Etude du transfert de matiere et des depenses energetiques dans deux laveurs gaz - liquide: le venturi de haute energie et l’ ejecteur venturiΧατζηδάκης, Δημήτριος Ε.
1996Etudes des mecanismes de formation des polluants specifiques emis par les moteurs a combustion interneΖέρβας, Ευθύμιος Ν.