Ημερομηνία | Τίτλος | Συγγραφέας | Κείμενο Διατριβής |
2012 | The acquisition of telicity in the native language | Καλτσά, Μαρία Α. |  |
2011 | Acting tragedy in twentieth - century Greece: the case of Electra by Sophocles | Αντωνίου, Μιχαέλα Α. | |
2018 | An alternate approach to adaptation: superheroes, branding and media franchise culture | Μαράζη, Αικατερίνη Β. |  |
2019 | The american science fiction film in the 21st century: between bodies and worlds | Στεφανοπούλου, Ευδοκία Γ. |  |
2013 | Anglo-american policy in Greece (1946-50): a study on the politics of fear, manipulation and the origins of the cold war | Paravantes, Spero Simeon Zachary K. |  |
2011 | Archaeology for the people? Greek archaeology and its public: an analysis of the socio-political and economic role of archaeology in Greece | Σακελλαριάδη, Αναστασία Σ. |  |
2019 | Art activities in correctional- pedagogical work with the children of special educational needs | Χαρμάνη, Αποστολία Ε. |  |
2013 | Aspects du couple le theatre du XXe siecle | Νούλη, Σμαράγδα Α. |  |
2020 | Assessing and modelling socio-ecological interactions of sacred forests in northwestern Greece | Μαρίνι-Γκοβίγκλι, Βαλεντίνο Τ. |  |
2016 | Audience development in public cultural centers: a qualitative study in Helsingborg and Elsinore | Καρατζιάς, Κωνσταντίνος Δ. |  |
2018 | The augmented home: technologies, architecture and domestic environments between the late 20th and the early 21st century | Γρίβας, Κωνσταντίνος Α. |  |
2023 | A classification approach to face recognition technologies | Μπουχάγιαρ, Γεώργιος Κ. |  |
2024 | Co-creating the future: a digital placemaking journey from strategic augmented reality development to community engagement via transmedia storytelling for local town centre revitalisation | Χατζητρύφωνος, Πασχάλης Γ. |  |
2023 | Collective trauma as a means of shaping the society of Kalavryta: dialogue between the artistic and academic sphere | Γουσέτη, Φωτεινή Σ. | |
2020 | Comparative stature analysis in Greece from Prehistory to late antiquity: diachronic trends and methodological issues | Κούκλη, Μαριάννα Ε. |  |
2023 | The comparative study of policies for development of secondary schools in some member states of the European Union | Σπυριδοπούλου, Νικολέτα Χ. |  |
2020 | Control shift: european industrial heritage reuse in review | Χατζή-Ροδοπούλου, Θεοδώρα Δ. |  |
2011 | Curriculum renewal in greek taught postgraduate translation courses: aligning student needs and translation market requirements | Σαχίνης, Μιχαήλ Κ. |  |
2017 | Dance chronicles from Athens: artistic practices, structures & discourses in a period of crisis | Παναγιωτάρα, Παναγιώτα Κ. |  |
2022 | De-mapping Athens as a city in crisis | Φερεντίνος, Παναγιώτης Α. |  |