Πλοήγηση στο ΕΑΔΔ ανά "Επιστημονικό πεδίο" : Επιστήμη Ηλεκτρονικών Υπολογιστών και Πληροφορική
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Ταξινόμηση ανά:
Σε σειρά:
ΗμερομηνίαΤίτλοςΣυγγραφέαςΚείμενο Διατριβής
2011Advanced techniques in digital watermarking and data hiding for still imagesΧρυσοχός, Ελευθέριος Κ.
2020Advances in metrics and e-commerce evaluation techniquesΑϊβαλής, Κωνσταντίνος Ι.
2017Advances in possibilistic clustering with application to hyperspectral image processingΞενάκη, Σπυριδούλα Δ.
2015Agent based modelling of domestic water demand for adaptive urban water managementΚουτίβα, Ιφιγένεια Ν.
2002Agent-based systems in an information society for all: an information systems perspective: conceptual foundations, methdology and applicationsΚουτσαμπάσης, Παναγιώτης
2017Agricultural robotics and automation: robot collaboration for precision agricultureΦραγκουλόπουλος, Εμμανουήλ Γ.
2023AI & ΙοΤ-enabled exergy optimization for carbon-neutral ship operationΚακλής, Δημήτριος Π.
2018Albebraic, geometric and complexity aspects of quantum search algorithmsΚωνσταντάκης, Χρήστος Δ.
2022Algorithmic analysis of user behavior in social mediaΣταμετελάτος, Γεώργιος Ε.
2017Algorithmic and mechanism design aspects of problems with limited -or no - paymentsΑμανατίδης, Γεώργιος Δ.
2014Algorithmic problems in power management of computing systemsΖώης, Γεώργιος Κ.
2019Algorithmic techniques for detection and classification of digital objectsΠολενάκης, Ιωσήφ Ρ.
2014Algorithmic techniques for encoding permutations and permutation graphs for watermarking software, image, audio, and textΧρόνη, Μαρία Γ.
2020Algorithms and advanced methods for video coding in large scale systemsΠαπαδόπουλος, Παναγιώτης Κ.
2021Algorithms and complexity of graph modification problemsΚωνσταντινίδης, Αθανάσιος Λ.
2022Algorithms and scenarios for efficient and secure big data delivery, management, and analysis over the Internet of ThingsΠλαγεράς, Ανδρέας Π.
2009Algorithms and strategies for source selection and results merging (collection fusion algorithms) in distributed information retrieval systemsΠαλτόγλου, Γεώργιος
2014Algorithms and techniques for efficient and effective nearest neighbours classificationΟυγιαρόγλου, Στέφανος Α.
2017Algorithms and tools for deriving editable models from cross-sectional data setsΚυριαζής, Ιωάννης Α.
2023Algorithms for automated image and video analysis with applicationsΚότταρη, Κωνσταντίνα Ν.