This PhD Thesis focuses on the development of novel and low cost hybrid nanostructured materials based on graphene and/or related 2D materials and metal nanoparticles with enhanced electrocatalytic activity and stability toward oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The main objective lies on the replacement of commonly used platinum-based electrocatalysts due to their high cost and limited stability/durability in the corrosive fuel cell reaction conditions. In this framework, hybrid materials based on graphene and/or MoS2 nanosheets were prepared, fully characterized through spectroscopic (IR and Raman spectroscopy, UV-Vis, PL), advanced microscopy imaging (SEM/EDS, HR-TEM, STEM/EELS) as well as electrochemical (CV, LSV, RDE) methods and examined as novel electrocatalysts for energy related applications. First, sulfur-doped graphene (SG) was explored as substrate for the development of metal and non-metal based hybrid electrocatalysts. Regarding the metal based ones, SG was employed as a no ...
This PhD Thesis focuses on the development of novel and low cost hybrid nanostructured materials based on graphene and/or related 2D materials and metal nanoparticles with enhanced electrocatalytic activity and stability toward oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The main objective lies on the replacement of commonly used platinum-based electrocatalysts due to their high cost and limited stability/durability in the corrosive fuel cell reaction conditions. In this framework, hybrid materials based on graphene and/or MoS2 nanosheets were prepared, fully characterized through spectroscopic (IR and Raman spectroscopy, UV-Vis, PL), advanced microscopy imaging (SEM/EDS, HR-TEM, STEM/EELS) as well as electrochemical (CV, LSV, RDE) methods and examined as novel electrocatalysts for energy related applications. First, sulfur-doped graphene (SG) was explored as substrate for the development of metal and non-metal based hybrid electrocatalysts. Regarding the metal based ones, SG was employed as a novel platform for the in situ synthesis and immobilization of nickel–core and palladium–shell nanoparticles (Pd@NiNPs). The developed hybrid Pd@NiNPs/SG exhibited excellent electrocatalytic activity toward ORR and methanol oxidation reaction (MOR), in alkaline medium, ascribed to both the core–shell morphology of Pd@NiNPs and their enhanced electronic interactions (charge transfer) with the SG substrate. Then, SG was decorated with a star-shaped oligothiophene (t-TTB) and the resulting hybrid material t-TTB/SG presented not only improved ORR performance – when compared with t-TTB and SG – but also remarkable photo-electrocatalytic activities. The latter was attributed to the occurrence of light-induced charge separation within t-TTB/SG and subsequent electron transfer to oxygen molecules. Next, hybrid materials consisted of core-shell Pd@M (M= Ni, Cu, Co) nanoparticles interfaced non-covalently with modified graphene sheets, abbreviated as Pd@MNPs (M= Ni, Cu, Co)/G, and were evaluated as electrocatalysts toward ORR. Among the different Pd@MNPs (M= Ni, Cu, Co)/G ensembles, the Pd@NiNPs/G displayed the optimum ORR performance, in alkaline medium, demonstrating a three times greater mass activity value than that of the benchmark Pd/C catalyst, albeit with a 70 % lower precious metal loading. The choice of pyrene butyric acid (PBA) as stabilizer was vital, since it is less bulky than the common used stabilizers and more importantly allows efficient electronic communication between hybrids’ components through π-π interactions. Last, the ORR electrocatalytic behavior of the hybrid material based on Pd nanoparticles and covalently modified MoS2 sheets (PdNPs/f-MoS2) was critically compared with that of graphene-based one (PdNPs/f-G). Electrochemical studies unveiled an enhanced performance for the PdNPs/f-MoS2 hybrid, suggesting the use of trans και αφετέρου στις ενισχυμένες αλληλεπιδράσεις τους (μεταφορά φορτίου) με το υπόστρωμα SG. Ακολούθως, το SG συνδυάστηκε με ένα διακλαδισμένο ολιγοθειοφαίνιο (t-TTB), με το προκύπτον υβριδικό υλικό t-TTB/SG να παρουσιάζει όχι μόνο βελτιωμένη απόδοση έναντι της ORR, σε σύγκριση με τα υλικά που το απαρτίζουν, αλλά και αξιοσημείωτη φωτο-ηλεκτροκαταλυτική δραστικότητα. Η τελευταία αποδόθηκε στην σταθεροποίηση της κατάστασης διαχωρισμού φορτίων εντός του υβριδικού υλικού t-TTB/SG, λόγω της παρουσίας του SG, και της φωτοεπαγόμενης μεταφοράς ηλεκτρονίων στα μόρια του οξυγόνου. Στην συνέχεια διερευνήθηκε η ηλεκτροκαταλυτική δραστικότητα έναντι της ORR, υβριδικών υλικών που συναπαρτίζονται από δι-μεταλλικά νανοσωματίδια μορφολογίας πυρήνα – κελύφους, μη ομοιοπολικά προσδεδεμένα πάνω σε φύλλα αποφλοιωμένου γραφενίου, Pd@MNPs (M= Ni, Cu, Co)/G. Μεταξύ των διαφορετικών υλικών, το Pd@NiNPs/G βρέθηκε να έχει την βέλτιστη συμπεριφορά έναντι της ORR, σε αλκαλικό περιβάλλον, παρουσιάζοντας τριπλάσια μαζική δραστικότητα σε σύγκριση με τον εμπορικό καταλύτη, μολονότι περιέχουν κατά 70% μικρότερη ποσότητα του ευγενούς μετάλλου. Υπογραμμίζεται ο καίριος ρόλος του βουτυρικού οξέος του πυρενίου (PBA), το οποίο αφενός είναι λιγότερο ογκώδες σε σύγκριση με τους κοινά χρησιμοποιούμενους σταθεροποιητές και αφετέρου διευκολύνει την ηλεκτρονική επικοινωνία μεταξύ των μεταλλικών νανοσωματιδίων και του υποστρώματος μέσω π-π αλληλεπιδράσεων. Τέλος, πραγματοποιήθηκε μία συγκριτική μελέτη της ηλεκτροκαταλυτικής συμπεριφοράς, έναντι της ORR, υβριδικών υλικών βασισμένων σε νανοσωματίδια Pd και ομοιοπολικά τροποποιημένα φύλλα MoS2 (PdNPs/f-MoS2) με αντίστοιχα υλικά βασισμένα σε γραφένιο (PdNPs/f-G). Η ηλεκτροχημική αξιολόγηση έδειξε σαφή υπεροχή του PdNPs/f-MoS2, υποδηλώνοντας ότι τα φύλλα των διχαλκογενιδίων των μετάλλων μετάπτωσης, μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως εναλλακτικά υποστρώματα για την ανάπτυξη καινοτόμων υβριδικών ηλεκτροκαταλυτών. Συνολικά, τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας Διδακτορικής Διατριβής είναι χρήσιμα για τον σχεδιασμό νέων, υψηλής αποδοτικότητας ηλεκτροκαταλυτών χωρίς την χρήση πλατίνας για εφαρμογές μετατροπής ενέργειας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων κ
2019 |
Ίδρυμα | Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών. Τμήμα Χημείας. Τομέας Φυσικοχημείας |
the SG substrate. Then, SG was decorated with a star-shaped oligothiophene (t-TTB) and the resulting hybrid material t-TTB/SG presented not only improved ORR performance – when compared with t-TTB and SG – but also remarkable photo-electrocatalytic activities. The latter was attributed to the occurrence of light-induced charge separation within t-TTB/SG and subsequent electron transfer to oxygen molecules. Next, hybrid materials consisted of core-shell Pd@M (M= Ni, Cu, Co) nanoparticles interfaced non-covalently with modified graphene sheets, abbreviated as Pd@MNPs (M= Ni, Cu, Co)/G, and were evaluated as electrocatalysts toward ORR. Among the different Pd@MNPs (M= Ni, Cu, Co)/G ensembles, the Pd@NiNPs/G displayed the optimum ORR performance, in alkaline medium, demonstrating a three times greater mass activity value than that of the benchmark Pd/C catalyst, albeit with a 70 % lower precious metal loading. The choice of pyrene butyric acid (PBA) as stabilizer was vital, since it is less bulky than the common used stabilizers and more importantly allows efficient electronic communication between hybrids’ components through π-π interactions. Last, the ORR electrocatalytic behavior of the hybrid material based on Pd nanoparticles and covalently modified MoS2 sheets (PdNPs/f-MoS2) was critically compared with that of graphene-based one (PdNPs/f-G). Electrochemical studies unveiled an enhanced performance for the PdNPs/f-MoS2 hybrid, suggesting the use of transition metal dichalcogenide nanosheets as alternative platforms for the construction of innovative hybrid electrocatalysts. Overall, the results of the present PhD Thesis pave the way for the design of platinum-free and high-performance electrocatalysts toward energy conversion applications, including fuel cells.