Πλοήγηση στο ΕΑΔΔ ανά "Χώρα" : Ιταλία
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2024Reconciliation on the banks of the Danube: the Congress of Carlowitz (1698-1699) and the supra-cultural diplomatic practices of peace-making at the end of the seventeenth centuryΠούλιος, Κωνσταντίνος Α. 
2023Smart tele-rehabilitation and tele-monitoring system based on 3D sensors and advanced computer vision techniquesΘεοδωρίδου, Ελένη Θ.
2022Identification of molecules able to interfere with the interaction between Aurora-A and N-Myc in NeuroblastomaΣουβαλίδου, Φανή Ι. 
2022Four point functions in momentum space and topological terms in gravityΘεοφιλόπουλος, Δημοσθένης Δ.
2022Paleochristian and byzantine monuments of Thessaloniki, Arab Norman Palermo, and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalù and Monreale: community participation in drafting of UNESCO management plansΠλατσά, Αργυρή Κ.
2022New genomic changes in myeloid neoplasmsΜαυρίδου, Έλενα-Ελένη Ν.
2022Smart thing design by children: the SNaP model and toolkitΡουμελιώτη, Ευτυχία Π.
2022The implementation of the transformative learning method through aesthetic experience at greek public vocational training institutes: PVTI trainers’ views, results, obstacles and prospectsΚαβαλλάρη, Ισμήνη Δ.
2022Physics-informed numerical analysis and machine learning for modelling and analysis of large scale complex systems with applications in computational neuroscienceΓαλάρης, Ευάγγελος Δ.
2022Essays on firms' competitivenessΕξαδάκτυλος, Δημήτριος Ε.
2021Preventive and planned conservation: a risk management approach to the built heritageΚώνστα, Ανθούλα Χ.
2020Tree growth responses to different environmental conditionsΚιοραποστόλου, Νατάσα Α.
2020Assessing the potential role of Rictor expression as predictive factor of response to PI3K/mTOR pathway inhibitors in preclinical models of squamous cell lung cancerΓκουντάκος, Αναστάσιος Ι.
2019Optimization of a fuel cell/battery hybrid system in an electric vehicle using axiomatic design using axiomatic designΚλεισαρχάκης, Γεώργιος Μ.
2019The effectiveness of change management to industrial production systems in Greek small / medium sized manufacturing enterprisesΑλεβυζάκης, Παναγιώτης Σ.
2019Three essays on literacy development, marital instability and births outside marriage: empirical evidence from the late 19th and early 20th century GreeceΛεμοντζόγλου, Τρύφωνας Σ.
2019Bacterial resistance to critically important antimicrobials in the poultry industryΑποστολάκος, Ηλίας Ε.
2019The fortified installations on the Milesian islands in the Aegean in contextΣαραντίδης, Κωνσταντίνος Μ.
2019Optimization of resources for agriculture and agri-food processesΡοδιάς, Ευθύμιος Χ.
2018In-Output microclimatico outdoor: processi di analisi, valutazione e verifica degli interventi ˈrealiˈ di riqualificazione con i ˈcool pavementsˈ in ambito mediterraneoΣκούφαλη, Ιωάννα Κ.