nsitive services during a session. To solve this issue Continuous Authentication (CA) systems using Behavioral Biometrics (BBs) have been proposed in the literature. CA sys ...
Authentication systems based on PINs and passwords or physiological biometrics (e.g., iris, fingerprint, etc.) establish the user identity only at the beginning of the session using the entry-point authentication model. This model has been criticized heavily for being vulnerable to attacks occurring after the authenticated session has been established. Some of these systems defend against such attacks by performing an additional authentication step at critical points of the session but are unpopular with users due to repetitive authentication. Mobile devices and their applications use the entry-point authentication model to authenticate users. Therefore, an important concern is to determine whether the mobile device is in the hands of the genuine user, and accordingly, whether the genuine user is the one using the sensitive services during a session. To solve this issue Continuous Authentication (CA) systems using Behavioral Biometrics (BBs) have been proposed in the literature. CA systems are an additional security measure that monitors users' biometric behavior by constantly re-authenticating them during a login session. However, their practical application is limited due to two fundamental shortcomings. The first shortcoming focuses on non-technical issues, for example, perceptions related to the fears and expectations of future users and perceived concerns about the privacy of their biometrics. The second shortcoming focuses on the problem of false positive/false negative results, that is, on security and usability issues.This doctoral thesis includes four research stages. These are the research stages of a single research project. In the first research stage, an extensive literature review is presented that maps the research area and concerns BBCA technology and the performance of machine learning systems. Additionally, a literature review on potential attack vectors on BBCA systems is presented, and promising countermeasures are highlighted. Also, behavioral biometrics (Behavioral Biometrics - BBs) are classified into seven categories and an analysis of their feature extraction and collection methodologies is carried out. Finally, challenges, open issues, and future trends are identified.In the second research stage of this thesis, the effect of various factors on Behavioral Intention to Adopt the Technology (Behavioral Intention - BI) is investigated through a new integration of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI). Also, a new theoretical framework is developed with constructs such as Security & Privacy Risks (SPR), Biometrics Privacy Concerns (BPC), and Perceived Risk of Technology Use (PROU). In addition, the constructs of Trust in Technology (TT) and Innovativeness (Innov) were used.It was found that the main Facilitators of the Behavioral Intention to Adopt the Technology (BI) are Trust in Technology (TT), followed by Compatibility (COMP), Perceived Usefulness (PU), and Innovativeness (INNOV). This research also shows that people care less about the ease of use of technology and are willing to sacrifice it to achieve greater security. Compatibility and Innovation also play an important role. People who believe that using BBCA technology would fit their lifestyle and would like to experiment with new technologies have a positive intention to adopt BBCA technology. For the new constructs added, the results support the hypothesis that Security &ρησιμοποιείται για την επίλυση αυτού του προβλήματος και επιτυγχάνει βελτιωμένα αποτελέσματα. Στην παρούσα έρευνα εξετάζεται κάθε συμπεριφορική βιομετρική περίπτωση ξεχωριστά και διερευνάται η περίπτωση βελτίωσης των αποτελεσμάτων απόδοσης με σύντηξη χειρονομιών αφής και δυναμικής πληκτρολόγησης σε επίπεδο χαρακτηριστικών (Feature-level fusion). Στην παρούσα προσέγγιση γίνεται σύγκριση μεταξύ βαθιών νευρωνικών δικτύων (Deep Neural Networks) σχεδιασμένων για δεδομένα που συνεπάγονται σημαντικές χρονικές δυναμικές, όπως το Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) και βαθιών νευρωνικών δικτύων σχεδιασμένων για ανεξάρτητα κατανεμημένα δεδομένα, όπως η Μακροχρόνια Βραχυπρόθεσμη Μνήμη (Long Short-Term Memory -LSTM). Συγκρίνοντας την απόδοση των δύο συστημάτων, το MLP είναι ανώτερο από το LSTM σε αυτό το πλαίσιο. Το MLP πέτυχε Accuracy 98,3% (αύξηση 21,1%), Equal Error Rate (EER) 1% (μείωση σφάλματος κατά 23,7%), True Acceptance Rate (TAR) 99,4% (αύξηση 46%), True Reject Rate (TAR) 97,4% (αύξηση 10%), False Acceptance Rate (FAR) 2,6% (μείωση κατά 10%), και False Reject Rate (FRR) 0,6% (μειωμένο κατά 46%). Από τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας προκύπτει ότι η σύντηξη χειρονομιών αφής και δυναμικής πληκτρολόγησης σε επίπεδο χαρακτηριστικών βελτιώνει την απόδοση των συστημάτων και επιλύει ζητήματα ασφάλειας και ευχρηστίας.
Περίληψη σε άλλη γλώσσα
Authentication systems based on PINs and passwords or physiological biometrics (e.g., iris, fingerprint, etc.) establish the user identity only at the beginning of the session using the entry-point authentication model. This model has been criticized heavily for being vulnerable to attacks occurring after the authenticated session has been established. Some of these systems defend against such attacks by performing an additional authentication step at critical points of the session but are unpopular with users due to repetitive authentication. Mobile devices and their applications use the entry-point authentication model to authenticate users. Therefore, an important concern is to determine whether the mobile device is in the hands of the genuine user, and accordingly, whether the genuine user is the one using the sensitive services during a session. To solve this issue Continuous Authentication (CA) systems using Behavioral Biometrics (BBs) have been proposed in the literature. CA sys ...
Authentication systems based on PINs and passwords or physiological biometrics (e.g., iris, fingerprint, etc.) establish the user identity only at the beginning of the session using the entry-point authentication model. This model has been criticized heavily for being vulnerable to attacks occurring after the authenticated session has been established. Some of these systems defend against such attacks by performing an additional authentication step at critical points of the session but are unpopular with users due to repetitive authentication. Mobile devices and their applications use the entry-point authentication model to authenticate users. Therefore, an important concern is to determine whether the mobile device is in the hands of the genuine user, and accordingly, whether the genuine user is the one using the sensitive services during a session. To solve this issue Continuous Authentication (CA) systems using Behavioral Biometrics (BBs) have been proposed in the literature. CA systems are an additional security measure that monitors users' biometric behavior by constantly re-authenticating them during a login session. However, their practical application is limited due to two fundamental shortcomings. The first shortcoming focuses on non-technical issues, for example, perceptions related to the fears and expectations of future users and perceived concerns about the privacy of their biometrics. The second shortcoming focuses on the problem of false positive/false negative results, that is, on security and usability issues.This doctoral thesis includes four research stages. These are the research stages of a single research project. In the first research stage, an extensive literature review is presented that maps the research area and concerns BBCA technology and the performance of machine learning systems. Additionally, a literature review on potential attack vectors on BBCA systems is presented, and promising countermeasures are highlighted. Also, behavioral biometrics (Behavioral Biometrics - BBs) are classified into seven categories and an analysis of their feature extraction and collection methodologies is carried out. Finally, challenges, open issues, and future trends are identified.In the second research stage of this thesis, the effect of various factors on Behavioral Intention to Adopt the Technology (Behavioral Intention - BI) is investigated through a new integration of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI). Also, a new theoretical framework is developed with constructs such as Security & Privacy Risks (SPR), Biometrics Privacy Concerns (BPC), and Perceived Risk of Technology Use (PROU). In addition, the constructs of Trust in Technology (TT) and Innovativeness (Innov) were used.It was found that the main Facilitators of the Behavioral Intention to Adopt the Technology (BI) are Trust in Technology (TT), followed by Compatibility (COMP), Perceived Usefulness (PU), and Innovativeness (INNOV). This research also shows that people care less about the ease of use of technology and are willing to sacrifice it to achieve greater security. Compatibility and Innovation also play an important role. People who believe that using BBCA technology would fit their lifestyle and would like to experiment with new technologies have a positive intention to adopt BBCA technology. For the new constructs added, the results support the hypothesis that Security &
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