Two early Post-Byzantine monuments, in Albanian Pogon, and their pictorial decoration, beginning of 16th century
There is a horde of Byzantine and early post-Byzantine monuments in the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church of Albania which remain unknown to both Greek and Albanian researchers. The present doctoral thesis has therefore attempted to contribute into lightening some of the unknown aspects of the history of post-Byzantine painting in Albania, in general, and in the once unified Epiros, in particular. To this end, extensive fieldwork was conducted in adverse conditions of accessibility and research between 1992 and 2000. • In conducting this over-ten-year-long study, research focused in three fields of activity: -- Initially, it recorded all bibliographically known or unknown post-Byzantine monuments bearing mural decorations dating between 1503 and 1913; -- Thereupon, it focused on entirely or partially preserved early post-Byzantine pictorial monuments of the pre-Onouphrian and pre-Thephanean period; -- Last but not least, it centred its analytical and synthetical reasoning into two ea ...
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